With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, it rapidly became clear that aid would be needed for Ukrainian horses and their owners and their keepers. Together with a number of other equestrian organisations, we established the British Equestrians for Ukraine Fund so that those wishing to help could do so via a reliable, trustworthy channel.  

Donations to the Fund will help to buy desperately-needed feed, bedding and veterinary supplies. The Fund is working with trusted local partners, including the Ukrainian Equestrian Federation (UEF), and has helped to establish vital supply and logistics chains to make sure aid gets to where it is most needed. There is now a regular supply via Poland and into Ukraine to Lviv, where there is a temporary facility for distribution. The Fund succeeded in getting goods shipped out in a nine-lorry convoy at the end of March and there have been additional shipments of veterinary supplies distributed to key locations throughout Ukraine.

Wait times at the border for horses trying to leave Ukraine are extremely lengthy, so the UEF worked to relocate horses to holding camps in safe areas and the Fund provided logistical and financial help to get the camps set up and running and continues to provide housing and support. The fund has now identified an increasing need for farriery support, and is seeking what help can be provided and potentially funded.

The situation will no doubt evolve over time and the Fund will continue to assess and direct its support to wherever it is most needed.

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